Vote YES to the CFC Fee-Levy Increase!
The Concordia Food Coalition is a student group on campus that is working to transform Concordia’s Food System. Our mandate is to replace corporate entities such as Aramark, Tim Horton’s and Starbucks with student run initiatives, whose purpose is to serve affordable, culturally appropriate, sustainable food, and coffee on campus. Some of the projects we’ve already helped develop include the Hive Co-op Café ; a student run café currently at two locations on campus. Other projects include our annual conferences like Bite Me! Food Week and Transitions Conference, as well as supporting and funding students with projects focused on urban agriculture, sustainability, food education, and organic waste management. Campus Potager, HydroFlora, and the Concordia Farmer’s Market are just three examples of how we are working toward food system transformation at Concordia. Lastly, we are working very hard to alleviate food insecurity at Concordia by starting more community kitchens, increasing food vendors at the Concordia Farmer’s Market, becoming the lead organizers of Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard and supporting our nine different working groups and respective projects.
These projects and many more is what we mean when we say transforming the food system at Concordia. But in order to continue expanding and feeding our community, we need an increase in our fee levy from 8 cents to 16 cents. On November 28thth 29th and 30th, there will be polling stations all across campus, asking all undergraduate students if they are willing to support the Concordia food Coalition with an increase of our fee levy. If you want to take a concrete step in changing the food system and Concordia and committing to developing more sustainable, affordable and student run cafes and initiatives all across campus, come vote YES.