Transitions Conference 2018
FEBRUARY 2ND, 3RD & 4TH – The Concordia Food Coalition invites you to participate in our 5th annual Transitions conference, 3 days dedicated to urban agriculture, food security, and sustainability.
Join us as we explore, engage, and experiment with ways to transform our campus food services to create local food systems that are socially, environmentally, and economically just.
This event takes place on Tio’tia:ke (a.k.a Montreal), unceeded Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) territory.
— FEBRUARY 2ND, 2018 —
Duration: 8 hours
Location: 2090 Rue Mackay
Time: 12:00 – 20:00
Contact: to join the team. Sign-up for the entire time or to drop-in!
For our Opening Kitchen, we’ve invited an aspiring local Chef to lead participants in preparing a unique menu inspired by local, seasonal, and reclaimed food.
Low waste event. The menu prepared in the Opening Kitchen will be served at the Gala.
~*~GALA – PLAY W/ YOUR FOOD – An Eating Experiment ~*~
Duration: 2.5hrs
Location: MB.3.130, 1450 Guy St, Montreal, QC H3H 0A1
Time: 18:00 – 20:30
Touch, smell, taste, share, play with your food! Why?
Because we can.
Because we should.
Because reconnecting with the food we eat can change the world.
A temporary sensory environment has been designed to stimulate your memories of food, to question our relationships to food & waste, and posit solutions for a sustainable future. The menu is a seasonal, locally sourced or reclaimed, multi-course adventure prepared by an aspiring local chef and a team of volunteers, just for us, just for tonight.
Participants are asked to come prepared to engage with each other and maybe get messy. Together, we decide the direction of the evening.
Welcome to dinner, this serving will be unconventional.
Special drinks will be served.
Opening Talk by Rhona Richman Kenneally.
Live DJ set by Function Creep
— FEBRUARY 3RD 2018 —
Location: MB.3.130, 1450 Guy St, Montreal, QC H3H 0A1
Time: 9:00 – 17:00
9:00 – 9:45 – Registration & BREAKFAST!
10:00 – 10:45 – Opening Keynote with Joshna Maharaj
10:50 – 11:05 – Concordia Food Coalition
Your hosts, the CFC, will give a short presentation on who we are and why we think food is so important. Get inspired, join the food movement.
11:15 – 12:15
~*~ Lightning Round Presentations
Sustainable food systems within public institutions are possible. From the farm all the way to waste, join us for a series of short presentations that will take you on a journey through student run food systems.
a. The Dawson Food Justice and Sustainability Research Project
b. Urban Food Production – Campus Potager
c. Purchasing – TBA
d. Food Processing – Season Jars – Food Preservation
e. Distribution/Aggregation – Concordia Greenhouse/ City Farm School
f. Food Waste – Waste not, want not – Compost collaboration
12:30 – 13:45 BLOC 1
~*~ Workshop 1 – Coopérative des brasseurs illuminés
We’ll look with you at how you can make great beer with simple kitchen tools you may already have and hopefully allow you to understand better the product you are consuming.
~*~ Workshop 2 – Blueberryjams
In this workshop, we will cover herbalism terminology & methods as we explore some of the top herbal allies for stress, anxiety, trauma, and mental health. Participants will get an Herbalism & Stress zine to take home.
Facilitator: Pamela Fillion is a disabled queer artist, survivor, activist, crafter, keen fermenter, community organizer, and sometimes scholar. The kitchen and working with and around food is what Pamela considers her hearth. Blueberryjams is the result of a lively concoction of all of her interests and skills.
Workshop will be in English but can be translated by request.
~*~ Workshop 3 – HydroFlora Concordia
13:55 – 14:35 – Lunch!Lunch!Lunch!
14:45 – 16:00 – BLOC 2
~*~Workshop 4 – What is Traditional Hunting?
My Name is Kevin Tikivik, I grew up in the surrounding area of what is known as the Qikitaaluk region, which is in the Nunavut Territory. My home settlement is known as Iqaluit, the Capital city of Nunavut. Growing up I was raised by my grandfather and did not learn much English until I was approximately 12 years old. The strokes I experienced as a child are rare today in the way of education and relationship to the land. My greatest goals in life is to consolidate the realities of traditional people and the contrast of western society today. This covers many area’s such as the question of what is traditional hunting.
~*~Workshop 5 – Food and Social Justice
An introduction workshop to Food Justice, the current issues (environmental and social) with our current food system and solutions to the problem at hand. This is an event for people who do not know much about the failures of our food system or how the current agriculture system is fundamentally flawed.
~*~ Workshop 6 – EAT, WASTE, MAKE for 2030
The event is based on the premise from the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of reducing by half the amount of global food waste by 2030. The objective is for each participant to ‘speculate’ with waste materials and create designs that challenge everyday habits that create food waste. The interactive workshop will collect and present waste materials from Concordia SGW campus that are food related such as edible waste (ex. apple core), food packaging (ex. coffee cups) or other related food garbage (ex. broken cups, plastic cutlery). The workshop will also request participants bring a piece of their own food waste. The event will be split into 3 parts, starting with an introduction to food waste and the critical design process, 2nd the design-making process with food waste materials and finishing with a tasting of recipes that include food typically wasted, for example apple core tea, candied peels and roasted squash seeds. The overall objective is to explore how using the everyday food materials in a creative yet accessible design-making process can bring attention to things we eat, things we waste and things we make, to revision our 2030 future.
16:00 – 16:20 – Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:30 – Imagine Together: Sustainable Food Services
End the day with us in a world cafe style discussion guided by experienced facilitators and community organizes as we reimagine food services within public institutions using Concordia University as a case study.
— FEBRUARY 4TH, 2018 —
Location: 1400 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O, Montréal, QC H3G 1M8, Webster Library, DESEVE CINEMA.
Workshops will take place in the adjacent LB Atrium.
Join us for the final day of Transitions at our first ever FOOD FILM FESTIVAL. A collection of art based and community driven short films and documentaries have been specially selected for the event.
Concordia Farmers’ Market will be hosting a mini-pop today during BLOC 3 & Lunch!
9:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 11:15 – Opening Panel: FOOD, ART and ACTIVISM
11:20 – 12:30 – BLOC 3
~*~ Workshop 5 – FOOD: Growing, Transforming and Finding Nourishment Year-round
It is obvious that it is more important than ever to be aware of our food. In this workshop, we discuss optimizing interaction with the local food cycle as well as tips and tricks to reduce waste at each stage, from production to transformation. We`ll share ideas for easy projects of interior and exterior food cultivation as well as how to find ethical and affordable ingredients in Montreal. We will also talk about ways to reduce food waste at home with useful life hacks! Come learn with us!
Host bio: Sheena Swirlz is the educational events coordinator at the Concordia Greenhouse as well as Urban Homestead Montreal.
~*~ Workshop 6 – Concordia Pollinators Initiative
Details TBA.
~*~ Workshop 7 – TBA
12:30 – 13:15 – Lunch & Surprise
For our 5th year anniversary we’ll be serving up something extra delicious at lunch 😀
13:30 – 16:00
Naked Island We Eat Shit (43 s)
Chris Lavis & Maciek Szczerbowski
WE EAT SHIT. An unapologetic warning about how complacent we can be.
Pirouette (9 min)
Dive! (53 min)
First Run Features
Bugs on the Menu (78 min)
Ian Toews
16:00 – 16:30 – Closing Remarks
This conference is held in spaces that are wheelchair accessible, but unfortunately Guy-Concordia Metro is not, please let us know if this poses a problem for you to attend.
Signs will be posted for gender neutral washrooms at the time of the event. Be a darling, ask new friends their pronouns <3
Tickets are SUGGESTED PRICES — no one will be turned away from attending for lack of funds.